04 October 2008

Yo, What's Up?

Just doing some light reading.

The only thing that is missing here is a giant loaf of crusty bread.

Check out the flower that one of my plants put out. Creepy, right?

So the damn children have been sick. Of course, the children's state health insurance is being re-approved right now and we don't have any coverage, so the children see the need to have all these doctor appointments and medications and all this shit. I tell you, they better produce one hell of a return on the investment we're putting into them. I don't know what the fuck we would do if we had to pay for this shit all the time.

Hey, you know what else? I hate a lot of people. Today I found an old diary (Yeah, I called it a diary. Only homos have journals.) that I had kept from back when before I hooked up with Felicia, went through my divorce, and progressed through the time the old man died and up to past Gavin's birth. In short, I was a fucking wreck. I think that, judging from the shit I saw, I could probably have been diagnosed with depression. Not in a pussy, "Oh, I don't feel good about life" way but in a "Holy Shit. Maybe I need to make the world better and kill myself" type of situation.

Look, I've always been prone to the melancholy, but looking at that shit made me thankful for the tenacity that is built into the whole business of living. Shit. If I'd been a total douche, I would have offed myself and never found teh blogonets. And then where would all you motherfuckers be?

All I'm saying is that maybe you should go back and read some shit that you had put down in a previous time. It's kind of fun to see a keyhole view into how you thought the world was and that you thought you knew who you were. The truth is that you don't know shit, and you just delude yourself into thinking you know what is up and what is going on. The truth is that you are terrible, just like me. We are all terrible. That is our station as a species: To be terrible.

Now, get out there and be terrible. You motherfuckers!

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