05 July 2009

Palin, Eat a Fat One

So, you've already heard the news but I just wanted to say that I am glad this fucking waste of flesh is soon to be no longer in charge of the state. I fucking loathe Palin, so I hope she fucking chokes.

Also, during the 4th of July parade yesterday, a bunch of fucking assholes kept saying, "Enjoy your freedom." like a bunch of smug fucking shitheads. You know what motherfucker? I don't need some fucking idiot to remind me to enjoy freedom. I enjoy my freedom every time I give some anti-gay protesters the finger. I enjoy my freedom every time I tell the internet that a public official can go suck a box of dicks. I enjoy my freedom every time I watch video of a woman sucking off a horse. I enjoy my freedom every time I drop a fuck load of f-bombs in the produce section. So all you stupid motherfuckers who feel the need to remind people to enjoy freedom can go get bent, because we're probably already enjoying the fuck out of it already, without your smug fucking comment, douche.

God bless the fuck out of America.

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