10 October 2010



Some douche in a hat.

Birthday party fun

Book club

Hiking at Hatcher's Pass.

I wish I could say things have been busy. I've been doing some things and some stuff and trying to ignore how terrible the political situation is in Alaska. This fucking stooge, Joe Miller, is genuinely awful, like really, really, bad. The ADN has been keeping a pretty good tab on all his bullshittery. I mean, Ted Stevens was a total power hungry jackass but at least he wasn't fucking crazy. No matter what else, Stevens at least knew how to get that money that the state is pretty much totally dependent upon. Then you have this fucking tool, Miller, who's saying all those funds are unconstitutional or some dumb shit and people are lapping it up because they are too stupid to grasp basic civics. Seriously, for a place whose people are as insular, clannish, and terrified of outsiders as Alaskans are, they sure are loving this dumbass from Kansas and his stupid beard.

Who takes people who elect to wear beards seriously? No one, that's who.

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