22 November 2010

Repeal Obamacare Now

Apparently, Obamacare will strip all the meat from your bones, shrink your skeleton, and affix it to a tea-bagger's protest poster. Please, think of your skeletons.

Well, election time came and went and now, a bunch of people think that the new members of Congress will affect some kind of change in earmarks, or Obamacare, or fiscal responsibility, or Medicare, or Social Security, or something. I'm pretty sure none of that is going to happen but that won't stop everyone from being all butthurt about it for the next two years and then they'll vote some new stooges into office and the cycle will repeat itself. I swear, these people act like they've never had a government class, or lived in a democratic country before.

Anyway, I don't have anything other than that, but if nothing else, I have been enjoying trolling online newspaper comment forums. It's just too easy.

Also, Joe Miller can go share a box of dicks with Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

erinondemand said...

Thank you for posting this. I think that the tea party has caused me hypertension.

One of my reasons for deleting my FB account was that I couldn't take all the tea party nonsense from acquaintances I once thought to be okay people.

When I received an update at 3am about why Nationalism is awesome and that taking care of sick people is a crime, well, that shit was enough.