03 July 2011

I AM THAT I AM, Or Something Like That

Don't know why this woman stays with an ugly sumbitch like myself.

We went camping. It's Fourth of July weekend. There were reserved campsites, beautiful-ish weather, friends and bourbon. All kinds of things that make you forget you're a hyper-evolved chimp who is (most times) unsatisfied with his pittance of existence. Plus, there was some jackass redneck who was most likely high on methamphetamines and spoiling for a fight who accosted us at a playground. Good times!

Crazy, Early Cuyler type beings aside, it was fucking awesome. There was a river, mosquitoes, fire, children, meat on a stick, beans from a can, and all 'round good shit that suggests an afterlife filled with horrible pleasures or damnation. Your pick. 

And so I came home and had a fire and conversed with the Almighty. I think he appreciates my comics of Him, but He was real pissed on account of I haven't communed with Him lately. You can't ever make that guy happy, though.

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