18 December 2008

10,000 Shitty Diapers

NGC 7331, pretty bad-ass.

Go check out the 10 Best Astronomy Pictures of 2008. It rules pretty hard. There is an especially awesome video of the moon transiting the Earth that will blow your fucking mind. Maybe I should have embedded that. Nah, fuck it.

Anyway, I've been meaning to do a post a day since the semester is over but we've been up to our elbows in shit around here. Seriously, Tiny has some kind of goddamn virus that makes him shit the most foul smelling diarrhea at least 10 times a day. I'm not exaggerating the figure or the up to the elbows part, either.

Yesterday, Felicia was bathing both children with toys and everything when Tiny shit all in the water. I was pretty lucky in that she was the one who stuck her hands into that shit to dig out the toys and the children but I still had to get all the toys and throw them away and clean out the sink where she put them. It was pretty fucking gross. Especially considering that our bathroom doesn't have a vent fan and all four of us were crammed into an impossibly small space breathing in the stink of shit while we cleaned up everything and everyone.

People who use that saying "throw out the baby with the bathwater" have obviously never been confronted by a tub containing two children and bath toys, filled with tepid water and human shit, because that's exactly your first impulse, to just flush it all the fuck away. So don't use that idiom unless you have experienced it first hand, because you just sound like an asshole if you haven't.

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