21 December 2009


Gavin and Dominic sledding.

The monster slope

I'm about to tame this beast.

Not so much.

I think I might have a new favorite hobby. I went skiing once before in Utah about 10 years ago now and I thought it was pretty dope. So, like I said before, I recently got some skis and today I actually got to try them out in the snow. We went up to Hatcher's Pass to this spot where Felicia's friend Hailee takes her kids sledding and I attempted to learn to ski. It ruled.

Then we went to Hailee's house for soup, sandwiches, and hot chocolate. Then we drove to Anchorage to get some stuff and came back and had sushi at the Japanese restaurant next to the in-laws house. Then post dinner beers to celebrate the solstice.

Bonus points, I kicked in the bedroom door to my mother-in-laws bedroom today because Kiernan locked himself in there.

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