No, it's not Luda and this isn't my Christmas Tree

So, I finally got my end of semester grades and I told myself that I would post when that happened. I've just kind of been boozing in a post semester haze of loneliness and boredom before the requisite family time that Christmas is going to bring. Let's see what's been new around here that you missed.
I sent out my portion of the annual Christmas letter. I wrote it this year so I'm sure it was the best fucking Christmas letter ever. Felicia was hesitant to let me write it and even ended up censoring the letter a little bit, the fucking fascist. The part she left out was where I tell everyone that she was the one who decided it was time to move out of her parent's house. She objected to me identifying her as the decision maker on that one but that shit is the truth. So now the Christmas letter reads like it was partially my idea to move, which is total bullshit. It was all her. In fact, if she had her way we would have moved back to MS, and that is direct from her. So, take that censorship! The truth fucks your grandmother's ass!
We have been the proper American consumers this holiday season. For two people with no income we certainly know how to rack up the credit card debt. I bought Felicia the best Christmas present ever, and I say that just to chap her ass because we have four more days until we open them. Ha Ha!
I don't remember too much from my childhood, really, and it doesn't bother me too much. However, I was listening to Pandora the other day and 2 Live Crew's song Me So Horny from their album As Nasty As They Wanna Be came on and I had this memory float to the surface. I remember one summer when I had to have been eight or nine and Jude had this album and was listening to it before our parents got home from work. My memory is just of the intro to the song where the Vietnamese prostitute is saying, "Me so horny, me love you long time" but I undoubtedly heard the entire track as a child. So with this memory in mind I was listening to the lyrics more critically than usual and it got me thinking about how maybe the most insignificant shit in your life can influence you in ways unknown in the future. For instance, hearing this track at age eight/nine and growing up to be some crazy, misogynistic, porn fiend with a penchant for V.C. hookers. I mean, not like I'm that or anything, I'm just saying...ahem.
Damn, these bitches are hot.

Well, soup is good.