22 November 2011

Okay, I Got Lazy Like A Sumbitch

Anyone else here divine the terrible omen that our future is just a mid-season rehash of the pilot "Homo sapiens, That's Not What My Wife Would Say."

Here's the rest of the shit that no one else is looking at so I can be done with it. Pilot episode here. 

Not Shit All To Do For The Next Five Days

I'm looking at a T-give (yeah, I'll resurrect that shit from the Ghost of Bloggings Past) with a high temperature of 70 plus and I'll take this opp (I'm calling opportunities opps from now on [Laid off from your career of 10 years? There's an opp for that. Kaboom.]) The only shitty thing (possible opp) to come from this is that the dogs still accrue ticks like a whore does chancres.

Comics, you say? Providing-eth. Arc-eth begotten here.


So, yeah. Or should I say, "YEARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH". Still haven't gotten over that Howard Dean moment. Here is the continuation of the Duke and Rusty saga. 'Bout to post mad grabbage on this here blog, son. 

Apparently some peeps from Russia or Burkina Faso like to check this out. 

Cool Story Co. starts here. 

Pretty Sure This Is A Solid Macro Plan

20 November 2011


The Lord is always looking out for his hos. 

Someone should get this guy some therapy, like, post haste.

Here are some new comics and if I'm not lazy enough, I will post up the continuation of Duke and Rusty later, but now I's gots to write!