08 September 2010

Do It In The Dark

Filthy ass hippie

Check out this link. Suck a fat one teetotalers, I'm going to dance on your hilariously self-righteous graves.

07 September 2010


Pretty sure Christ would approve of this.

I'll just leave this here. Man, the South rules if you're white and christian.

06 September 2010

Hijack Your Whole Shopping Mall

These red leaves make me feel like shit.

But this tree makes me feel alright.

These were so pretty, they looked fake.

Grandpa and Kiernan on a fair ride.

Constantly making faces.

I thought this was a pretty good action shot of the central hub of the fair.

Pioneer Peak overlooking the fair parking lot.

Today was the last day of the fair and we went again with the kids and had a pretty good time. The sun was hot and the sky stayed clear most of the day so that thousands packed the fair grounds. It was pretty okay. We ate hot dogs and burritos and ice cream and walked around watching the crowds.

I saw that tool Joe Miller too but by the time I decided to go get a picture with him he had gone. Seriously, that guy is the candidate that Alaska deserves. If I could find the link to the ADN article that totally demolished him as a sham I would post it, but apparently they didn't put the article online and it was only in the print edition. Just go to the Anchorage Daily News website and search for him and you'll see.

05 September 2010

Oh Shit!

I did some gay-ass hippie tie dyeing.

Also, I dressed the dog in children's clothes.

Totally moving to Vietnam and getting a water buffalo and a rice paddy.

04 September 2010

This Town Don't Feel Mine

I think these two photos say more about the people that live in Wasilla than anything I could ever write.

Another huge Amanita. The cap for this was 8 inches across.

The trees already know its time for winter.

Totally just went on a walk in the rain and got some more photos, forest related after we ate at a local cafe. It could have only been better if it was a real cafe and we had gotten some wine and maybe some oysters.

I have a powerful thirst for wine and oysters now.

My Eyes Burn

Out for an autumn walk

Jogging and shadow boxing

60 plus degrees is totally shirtless lake weather

A nice, solitary Amanita I found on the walk.

I've kind of been fascinated by forests lately.

This is why we deserve the coming extinction.

I walked to the goddamn lake yesterday, pushing the kids in the stroller down the hill and then back up. They are getting to be too fat for that shit.

So, yeah, I've been captivated by forests lately, like I've never really seen them before and now, suddenly they mean something but I don't know what. Something I can't put my finger on, something big. Maybe it's that they've been here for way longer than I can really grasp, or that they're alive and brutal on a level I'll never know, or that they're totally uncaring about me. I don't fucking know and it probably doesn't matter.

Yeah, I'm sure it doesn't matter.