23 January 2012

Lifestyle Changes?

When the only option is suicide, how is it that we get shows like "My 600 Pound Life"? Fuck it, here's a picture.

It's an alligator, motherfuckers. All 200 million years of him.

I recently had to go to the doctor to talk to him about possible problems with my poop making machinery. He ordered some tests that should put to rest any burgeoning fears of my immediate (5 years and less) demise. 

Then, I made the colossal mistake of viewing the Wikipedia page related to colorectal cancer. Now, I am a raft of hopelessness in a sea of uncaring and brutal organismic life.

Fuck it, bros, bring on the vino. 

18 January 2012

Ben and George Discuss Censorship

Here's two of our national treasures that we haven't seen in a while. Let's have a look at what's chapping the mythical asses of our founding fathers today.

17 January 2012

3/2: Electric Bugaloo

You just know that armorer is going to be a dick and make them clean their rifles like, a bajillion times.

That little chaplain's assistant chick is pretty bangin' though. 

 Damn, dude, that's harsh.

There were some concerns that it could have been.

It only takes the merest of encouragement to get me to crank out more of these things. If you enjoy it, I'm glad. If not, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

16 January 2012

Oh Go and Fuck Yourself

Here are some comics that I made that show our fellow Devil Dogs in the 3/2 urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters. These may make people angry, but that is okay. If you're angry it's the first step to engagement, so there's that. Personally, I have no feeling one way or the other about the 'incident' and have full faith and confidence in the Big Green Weenie's fidelity and ability to bone the everloving shit out of these Leathernecks. Oh well, such is life.

 You and all your fancy goddamn words and learnin' and lookin' down on your bros.

 No one wants to be the guy that falls out and gets picked up by the Humvee in the rear and given the silver bullet.

I never can pass up a good pun.