30 March 2009

Nerd Shit

Oh yeah, you love this shit.

If you're like me, you spend a lot of time wondering how people survived as long as they have. I mean in a general sense but also in an individual one too. I know you have been sitting there, just like I have, listening to some inane drivel pouring from some jackass' mouth, and asking yourself, "Why hasn't anyone bludgeoned this fucking idiot to death already?" I can't be the only one that thinks that, right? See, he just did it again.

Also, am I the only one who routinely worries about an extinction level event occurring during my lifetime? I can't be the only one who frequently looks out the window and expects to see a tsunami roaring into the inlet, or a wave of fire from a three mile wide asteroid that just slammed into the planet. Sometimes I think that I have the curse of too much time to think about shit.

Oh well, fuck it.

28 March 2009

State of Emergency

What the fuck?

Gavin took this one while I was out walking the dog. Hilarious.

Yeah, it's been said, but I'll reiterate. Bobby Jindal, the Kenneth the Page looking motherfucker, can suck a fat dick. I will say that people looking to reduce a government's budget by arbitrarily cutting government run programs i.e., volcano monitoring, are stupid because the service that the government provides usually benefits a lot of people, would not otherwise be done by "private industry", and can always be seen as a justifiable use of tax payer money. This is especially obvious for natural disaster programs, but should be evident for all social welfare programs (I'm looking at you universal health care). I for one can't believe that Jindal didn't read through the dumb ass shit he was supposed to say beforehand and say, "You know, this is fucking stupid. I'm not saying this." Which leads me to believe he did read through it and say, "Yeah, that bit about the volcanoes. That shit is political gold, I tell ya!"

Anyway, fuck them, and by them I mean the GOP.

I can't really believe the semester is going to be over in about a month. It's totally fucked up because the Fall semester wouldn't fucking end and this one seems to be over before we even really get started. The fucked up thing is that I think I have done more work already this semester than I did all of last semester. Oh well, fuck that too.

I have to go think about some shit. Later.

13 March 2009

WHOO!! Spring Break!

Hey, something is different in here.

Notice anything amiss in here?

Gavin and lightsaber

Throw me something, mister.

So, I've been slacking here. I made Felicia cut my hair last week because I wanted to have a hair cut but didn't want to shell out 20 bucks for some chain smoking Korean lady to trim my shit in 5 minutes. I think it turned out okay. I mean, my entire life I have been subjected to shitty haircuts, so who the fuck cares? No one even notices, and if they do, they never say shit, so fuck it.

Also, the last two pictures show some loot that my oldest brother sent to us from LA. That was pretty cool.

Finally, the middle pictures are of what happened today in the apartment. At about noon, some water starts trickling into the kitchen from the apartment above us. Which wasn't so surprising because I had heard the maintenance people up there working on some shit today, but a bunch of our shit got this ass water all over it. So, it sucked. However, we managed to get a system set up to catch most of the water and moved our stuff and called the office to tell them what was up. So they send someone by our place. All cool, the chick tells us that she had some water that got out but that it was no big deal and that it should stop.

The water flow starts slowing and so it's not really so big a deal and then some other dude comes by and asks us what is up and we tell him and he says that they're working on it and everything should be cool. About 15 minutes later we hear them working upstairs, and then we hear the distinct footfall of motherfuckers running. Ten seconds later a shitload of water is pouring down into the kitchen, fucking up even more stuff, getting all over, and causing me to shout, "Fucking Bullshit! This is Fucking Bullshit!" as I'm trying to move towels around and sop all the tepid darkly tinted water into our towels, and Gavin is standing at the entrance to the kitchen saying, "It's a waterfall."

The onslaught continued for about 2 minutes but seemed like forever and finally they get the shit cut off and we start to dry shit. Fucking ridiculous. Of course after this, Tiny decides he is thirsty and starts screaming his ass off about not having any water. I told Felicia, "Today is one of those days that you just want to forget ever happened."

Then I was thinking about it all, because Felicia and I were looking into how we are going to be moving back to the States after we graduate and all the shit we need to do to move somewhere, like checking housing markets, house values, employment possibilities, median incomes, travel times, education possibilities, and all that other sundry bullshit you have to do to actually move somewhere to not be homeless. I saw that in the place we were thinking about moving had, of course, many poor people and few rich people, and this got me thinking about the previous election and all the talk about socialism and all this shit about redistributing wealth, and about all the butthurt rich people talking about shit being unfair.

Fuck off. Rich people, as defined by getting more than 250k per year, can suck a fat dick. Fuck you. You don't live in shit ass living conditions. If your plumbing is fucked you call a plumber and then the clean up crew. You don't have to do shit you don't want to, except keep up with the fucking cunt-assed Joneses. And you know what else? There's a fuckton more of us poor motherfuckers than there are you rich ones. So don't mind those "tax increases" that only revert to pre-Bush era tax standards that make the U.S. "socialist". You motherfuckers pay up, because you know that in a purely Darwinian world, poor people would outbreed and exterminate your genetic line. So, fuckers, ask yourself this question: What's a tax increase compared to your genes not existing at all? Not much, fuckhole.

02 March 2009

The Picture Pretty Much Tells the Whole Story

Yeah, it's like that.

Let's look at some numbers:

P(me getting an A in Probability) = 0, P(me totally dropping that class) = 1.

So, we got the results back from the exam that I talked about and I was so totally failtastic that I dropped the class because, fuck it, having a really good gpa is more important and reinforcing to me than sticking something out to the bitter end out of some misguided sense of principles or some such shit. Fuck all that.

Oh well, I guess I'll have more time for porn now anyway.

01 March 2009

I Still Get Twenty

Monorail dog out of service due to depression.

Pundit Kitchen rules.

So, yeah. I skipped a week but not much happened. Well, I mean, stuff happened but you know how that goes.

I probably epically failed my probability test this past week. I am not sure why, but the concepts outlined in class are easy, but proper application of those concepts proves to be extremely difficult. Fuck it.

Only one more week until spring break. Thank Raptor Christ.