Felicia and Gavin

Check this out, Felicia has set herself up a blog. The blog is a gratitude journal for a Positive Psychology class she is taking this semester and she basically puts down all the things for which she is thankful. I bumped it up to the top of my people I find interesting section so if anyone ever reads this shit be sure to go check her out from time to time. It's pretty sickeningly up beat so it looks like I'll have to ratchet up the hate in order to nullify all the good feelings.
So let's start right away, shall we? The first week of the semester is over already. I think it won't be too bad. The only class I am leery of is the Political Science I am taking. Poli Sci is an interesting subject and the professor seems cool but this is Alaska and all (I'm generalizing here) these motherfuckers are screaming red-staters. They don't want to tax the shit out of oil companies, are opposed to universal health care, and I keep seeing signs for that whack job Ron Paul all over the goddamn place. Needless to say they are all assholes and unafraid to spout off on their asinine opinions at the drop of a hat. Did I say that my father in law actually thinks that Ron Reagan was a great president? I think that says it all.
Yeah, shit's going okay. Did I also mention that campus is swamped with hot bitches? I mean it's like they heat the buildings solely with hot, hot co-eds. It's okay as long as they don't say anything. Anyway, that's all I have.