27 June 2008

Where I Stay: Summer

Our home.

This is my favorite.

So, while the winters here totally suck the summers also suck, but in a different way. Having 18+ hours of daylight doesn't really lend itself to sleeping as much per night as I need to, and I am a HUGE dick when I don't get enough sleep. I really can't go to sleep when it's light out, unless it is in the middle of the day and I am taking a quick nap, and so I just get mean.

Fuck this.

22 June 2008

I am not Important

Not in the least. I have been kind of pissed slash depressed slash suicidal, lately. Some of that comes from thinking I am insignificant contrasted with all the other motherfuckers you see on the internets who think that they are not. In fact, they think that without them, the world would crumple up into a singularity of suck and that they are the gatekeepers of all that is right and good. I think that, historically, these people would have been the first to sign up for Crusades, or jihad, or what-have-you.

Also, pomegranate vodka on ice is like childhood candy, liquefied and made into booze. No wonder people drink this stuff first thing in the morning.

15 June 2008

Father's Day

This was not taken on Father's Day, but it still shows off my long-ass hair.

This was also not taken on Father's Day, but it shows that I love my kids.

Okay, I have to be truthful, kids are hell. If you like huge amounts of stress over long periods of time with little foreseeable reward, then have kids. They push every goddamn boundary and limit you can imagine. The benefit of this is that your genetic material gets passed along and propagated, so I guess it all equals out in the end.

Goddamn kids.