Today I was looking for jobs and I ran across something called a Social Media Specialist. The job advertisement was so awful, so jargon filled and content-less that I spent the next hour hopelessly scribbling in a composition book about the experience. Then, I took my awesome shooping skills to MSPaint and spent several minutes there providing borders to these images because my scanner is a piece of shit and won't crop the way I want and I'm seriously thinking of going all Office Space on it because it is a goddamn waste of space. Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? Piece of shit.
Also, you should be able to read the text if you zoom into the images, providing you can read my childlike scrawl. And yes, I self-censored because the internet don't need to know all the terrible shit that come out my mouth. But who am I kidding? Ain't nobody gon' read dis shit.
What the fuck is wrong with me today?