16 August 2012

Lipstick on Your Arm

I haven't been doing any of this shit lately. And you know why? Fuck you, that's why. I've been busy.

Here's a little glimpse into what all I've been into lately (which you know because you are all here from facebook):

1) I'm writing this novel (a sentence that if it is uttered in conversation is one of the biggest dialogue killers ever, to be sure). No, I'm not going to talk about it or post parts of it here or really go into more detail at all about it save to say that it's really a fucking drain. On everything. And yet it's one of those things that must be endured and accomplished and ground out because without it you feel like you've wasted whatever God-issued talent floats in your blood. Or maybe not. It's awful and going no where and no one will ever think to publish it ever. It's probably going to be the reason that I make that van trip that I talked about a few posts ago.

2) Well I had all those fucking tests to tell me that I wasn't dying of cancer yet and I've still had some sort of weird abdominal issues and who knows fuck all what it's caused by. 

3) I had a birthday and turned 31.

4) I went to my MFA's residency where I drank way too much and had all these kinds of deep-ass, late night, ethanol fueled conversations about art and shit and climbed around in a construction site where some assholes had bulldozed a forest to put in a sports complex and I still made it to every morning talk/required function. Fuck yeah for showing up.

5) Got some kind of a weird rash. Not that you wanted to know, but I just thought it emphasized the fragile nature of bodies (on top of all the unseen gastro-probs that seem never ending) and how shitty and temporary life is but you can't do fuck all about that either because what else are you going to do? Not a motherfucking thing, that's what.

6) Apparently I'm going back to work and that's good, at least until I show up on the first day and someone says, "I've got some bad news."

7) The dog died.

Fuck this self-pitying bullshit. I'm going to go kill the rest of that Pabst.

1 comment:

Mr. DNA said...

Dude, best blog every. Keep showing up, BT.