10 April 2008

Hey Remember This?

Of fucking course you don't. I haven't done this shit in ages. School keeps me busy, but the semester is almost over so fuck it. I think I bombed my goddamn calculus test today. Fuck it. Let's see what we have here. Oh yeah, pictures where's the goddamn camera?

Two moose outside the in-laws house.


Try to study now, motherfucker!

Okay, what else has been going on. Kiernan started crawling. My Grandpa Joe turned 91. School is going okay. Oh yeah, the big shit is that I finally got shut of the old man's house in Mississippi. Fuck the money, I mean it's nice and all to buy some frivolous stuff, but I was glad to get that albacore from around my neck. Well fuck those images that are taking too long to load. Felicia had to go cut Gavin's hair.

We went to this wine tasting the other day. It was kind of depressing because the only other people there who were our age was a waitress. It's kind of funny, in a ha-ha I'll go hang myself now because I realize I'm still below the Mason-Dixon, that every time we have a family get together and Felicia and I are drinking a nice bottle of red and Felicia's brother says, "That's okay. Maybe put some Sprite in it." and he's only kind of joking. Either that or if someone offers him a glass he says, "I don't have a vagina." or something like that. He's kind of the archetypal man around these parts.

Hey, you know what I like? Squidbillies, motherfucker. Watch this.

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