04 May 2008

Catch Me on Your Brochures

Oh, I write about things, pretend I'm a critic. So, here goes:

This is the funniest shit I think I have ever read. If you don't know about this guy go to his website, The Best Page in the Universe, linked here and also featured on the right. I was laughing so hard while I read this today that it totally upset Felicia's watching of Pride and Prejudice. Seriously, I was like a hyena who had just smoked a shit-load of weed and was giggling my ass off.

I have no idea who this author is or what this book is about. I was sitting in Borders books, drinking an impossibly large coffee while Tiny slept and looking at the magazines when I decided that if I just read one extra book per month by someone who I had never read before starting with the A's, then I would end up reading a shitload of books. So, I picked this up because it seemed reasonably slim and not part of a series. We'll see if this is worth my while.

This guy fucking rocks. Aside from my addiction to alcohol, this author is one of the few good things I discovered while I was in the Marine Corps. I picked up one of his books while on duty one night in California and was immediately hooked. His first series of books that I read had everything: sex, 'splosions, spaceships, and a really weird take on what happens to your soul when you die and how loads of dead people can end up reincarnating living bodies and having some bad ass powers. Needless to say, it totally fucking rocked. Aside from Mr. Hamilton's last novel, which kind of ended abruptly especially after the tension he built up over the preceding 2000 pages, he has never disappointed. I am hoping he returns to form in this work, and even if he doesn't, I'll probably still buy all his future shit.

Alastair Reynolds and I have some shit to work out. I hate him, and yet, I feel compelled to buy his shit in the hopes that he will not continue disappointing me. I know, in some universe I am a card carrying masochist who begs to have hot wax dripped all over my genitals, and that would explain why I like doing this to myself. I can't put this guy down because his stuff doesn't suck, so much as the story he tells has characters that I loathe. Who the fuck cares about doing the "right" thing with respect to your fellow man when the entire goddamn species is facing extinction from a hyper-evolved genocide machine bent on eradicating human intelligence? You can't even get motherfuckers to not litter and you expect me to believe that a few hundred years in the future man will have evolved to where all the characters in his novel never do the self serving, base, egoist shit that is the hallmark of our species? Fucking dogshit, I say. Like I said, the guy is an excellent writer but he uses his talent to portray characters that I just want to fucking pile-drive.

These motherfuckers never disappoint. This is exactly the kind of brain fast food that I crave every so often. I started reading this about edition 8 or 9 and, except for edition 11, I am pretty faithful. Always good shit.

This is a painting by the surrealist, Rene Magritte. The title of this work is "The Psychologist" and I have to say, being an aspiring psychologist myself, Magritte's representation here is pretty accurate, in that I am constantly nude and holding flowers.

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