18 July 2008

New Funny Shit

So, I am bored and should be doing homework for my ridiculously stupid English class. A little side note here, never, ever, ever take a technical writing course, you will want to stick an ice pick into your brain it is so fuckingly, stupidly subjective and worthless. Instead of doing that shit I decided to update my links and add two sites that I have been seriously enjoying lately and feel greedy keeping them to myself. The sites are:

Pictures for Sad Children


Toothpaste for Dinner

Both of these sites rule. It helps if you read Pictures from the beginning but Toothpaste is good anywhere. Many people, no doubt, already visit these sites but I like to draw attention to these two because I consistently laugh and agree with what the comic's author has to say.

Fuck this. I'm going to watch the ducks outside in the stream and write haikus or some other self-indulgent bullshit. Later.

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