06 September 2010

Hijack Your Whole Shopping Mall

These red leaves make me feel like shit.

But this tree makes me feel alright.

These were so pretty, they looked fake.

Grandpa and Kiernan on a fair ride.

Constantly making faces.

I thought this was a pretty good action shot of the central hub of the fair.

Pioneer Peak overlooking the fair parking lot.

Today was the last day of the fair and we went again with the kids and had a pretty good time. The sun was hot and the sky stayed clear most of the day so that thousands packed the fair grounds. It was pretty okay. We ate hot dogs and burritos and ice cream and walked around watching the crowds.

I saw that tool Joe Miller too but by the time I decided to go get a picture with him he had gone. Seriously, that guy is the candidate that Alaska deserves. If I could find the link to the ADN article that totally demolished him as a sham I would post it, but apparently they didn't put the article online and it was only in the print edition. Just go to the Anchorage Daily News website and search for him and you'll see.

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