11 April 2011

Something Witty That No One Gets Because It's Not

I started the whole comic thing as a kind of throwaway three panel jokefest where I could rip on stupid things via the comfortably removed proxy of my two main characters, but the goddamn thing has crawled onto dry land and evolved into some kind of graphic novel. This week's episode is kind of the beginning of a story arc that I've been churning out and I think it's pretty good. I think it leaves a lot of room for different interpretations.

Why kid yourself? Ain't no one reading this except the HR people at the jobs I apply for who then go on to throw my resume in the trash. I imagine it goes something like this little one scene play I just got inspired to do.

Scene 1

(HR rep 1, HR rep 2 sit in their cubicles furiously googling people who apply for jobs at their companies.)

HR rep 1: Let's see who we have next. Huh, Benjamin Tok? Tah-chee? Whatcha make of this one?

HR rep 2: Lemme see.

(takka takka takka)

HR rep 2: Yeah, no, fuck that guy.

HR rep 1: Seriously? Why?

HR rep 2: Comics, dude. Comics. Check it.

HR rep 1: Oh shit.

(Paper crunching and rattling into the bottom of a metal waste paper basket.)

HR rep 2: So you wanna go get some lunch beers, or what?

HR rep 1: Sounds hella sweet.


Anyway, here it is. I hope those lunch beers were good, HR guys.

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