17 August 2008

You Know What Would Be Fun?

If this guy is the messiah then get my fucking pitchfork ready.

So last night Felicia and I are watching cable over at the inlaws house after her birthday dinner. We don't get cable so when we spend the weekend over there we typically indulge in copious amounts of wine and television. It's fun because the few hours we end up watching are more than enough to satisfy our viewing needs and a little crazy to think that TV is this huge media outlet for millions of Americans and it's easy to see how one could form some of the most backwards ass, retarded, asshole opinions if those opinions were provided by TV programming.

Wait, where was I going? Oh yeah, Felicia turns on this show about some crazy ass cult in New Mexico or some shit that has the asshole pictured above proclaiming he is God incarnate and how the world will end on 31 October 2007. What a fucking douche. Anyway, the show was good, mostly because of the guy who interviewed these crazy motherfuckers. He would ask these pointed logical questions that poked holes in this absurd prophecy and then caught the "messiah's" and his followers' answers on tape. It was priceless to see this fucking loser bumble fuck around with answers about the coming apocalypse. I couldn't figure out if the show was supposed to be a documentary or some kind of farce because it was so fucking funny/scary to watch these people.

Anyway, the most striking thing about this were the looks in these people's eyes when they talked about/looked at their god. Specifically, the women had these looks of ecstatic and fervent belief when they looked at this turd. I mean, come on, if that fucking hick of a whitebread motherfucker was truly divine, don't you think he could, I don't know, maybe miracle up some better digs than trailers in the middle of the desert Southwest? I'm pretty sure St. John didn't describe any fucking wheeled rectangular metal boxes when he penned that ludicrous shit about heaven. In fact, I seem to remember something about streets paved with gold and milk and honey or some shit. Fuck it, go read the crazy shit for yourself.

The point is that these fucking people are so mind fucked that even while this guy fucked their wives (because God told him to) and naked cuddled with their adolescent daughters (because the children wanted to) nobody did shit. Crazier than a motherfucker. I mean I just don't know how these people live with the cognitive dissonance that behaviors such as the ones stated above must create in their minds. Seriously, didn't anyone think to test this guy? Didn't anyone think, "If he's so fucking holy then I can crack his skull open with this shovel and he won't be fazed, right?" I mean, come on, even Jesus is reported to have done some crazy ass showboating for the masses. Water into wine? Fuck it, let's keep the party going. Hell, he even made a point to come back and prove to Thomas that he had, in fact, been killed and resurrected by making the doubter finger his gash. Heh.

In any case, children, the message today is that you should always think critically, avoid the confirmation bias, and watch out for the fundamental attribution error. Thus endeth the lesson, go in peace, bitches.

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