12 August 2008

Nothing, Really

So, I don't really have anything. I mean, I do, but it's nothing so extraordinarily shitty that the entire fucking internets need to know. I think I'll just tick off some random shit and see where it takes me.

I'm kind of bummed about John Edwards. I like the guy, he's human, he fucked up, but if he had only done cocaine and skipped out of Air National Guard duty instead of fucking some woman who wasn't his wife, he'd be pres-o-dent. I don't know, I'm totally pissed about the stupidly dual nature of the American public who simultaneously hold mutually exclusive worldviews but can't be bothered to see any shade of gray on other issues. (I'm looking at you, the American response to recent Russian incursions into a sovereign nation and the country's view on the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan juxtaposed with, let's say, Gay Rights, abortion, the environment, health-care, etc.).

Something else I saw today but can't be bothered to link: The USA Today reports that Americans are totally stupid when it comes to anything. Some shit about how vast swathes of America have opinions of things about which they know nothing. Wow, stop the fucking presses. See the above paragraph.

You know, I don't like a lot of people.

It was my 27th birthday recently. I had the refreshing thought that, "Hey, even if I die at 55 I still have an amount of time left to live that is comparable to that which I have already experienced." It made me feel good because I've lived 27 years and can't begin to remember all the shit that's happened, so some of it must have been good, hell, even ecstatic, right? I must confess that I do feel old, though. I mean, goddamn, if this were the Paleolithic I'd either be dead already or only have maybe 10 good years left.

Felicia and I are moving to Anchorage by the end of the month. I am excited to live in a metropolitan area where I can get shit at any hour. I hate the suburbian/rural America. What a fucking dump.

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