01 February 2009

Someone Thinks That He Is a Photographer

So check this shit out. I was feeling pretty shitty today because I haven't really done anything creative in a while and wanted to fix it. So, being inspired by Hourly Comics I decided to chronicle a little bit of my day with pictures and captions, because there is so much shit out there that you motherfuckers will never see or know that I wanted to try to bring to you.

Heading out.


Getting in and starting up.

Anchorage skyline.

The port exit is on the right.

C and 5th.

Don't walk.

We like the music loud in this here band.

Some white kid with dreads walking a dog. Also, some pretty sweet apartments.

Would never eat here.

Some local sports team.

Finally, a store that caters to my need for tuxes and costumes, at the same time.


Some shit.

Gas is still pretty high here.

Costco makes the baby Jesus vomit.

Hate this goddamn store.

But I have a profound need to wipe my ass with bulk bought products.


All your bailout are belong to us.

Goddamn laundry.

Fucking hate this place.

The Management has rules.

Fold that shit.

Never gonna drink here.


Homeless panhandling in the cold.

So there, that's it. A view into the grim realities that I see daily. The laundry mat is truly the worst place in the world. It makes you think that there is no hope to your station and that all is unbearable suffering and the hell is right here, with us. I hate that fucking place.

See you motherfuckers later.

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