31 January 2009

Sector King Zulu King

See what I mean? I'm a goddamn screaming endorsement for all things effete, liberal, and white: flat front khakis, button down shirts, and non-Budweiser beer.

Gavin took this of us making burrito fixings.

Two more pictures via Gavin.

It's pretty cool that Gavin knows how to take pictures with the camera we have. Tonight as we were making dinner, we kept him occupied by sending him around the apartment to take pictures of whatever he desired. Not only did it keep him out of our hair but it was pretty cool to see how he, literally, views the world.

Also it gives me perspective into parenting, like maybe I should cut him some slack sometimes. I like to imagine that if I was in a world where giants twice my size spoke a language I only halfway understood expected me to perform insanely long tasks that were crazily complex and beyond my manipulation with little or no supervision, then getting pissed that I didn't execute the tasks to specification, and those giants were drunk half the time. Talk about a bad fucking trip.

I need to be easier on my kids but if I go too easy those fuckers will walk all over you. I watched a snail sliding, slithering along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare.

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