04 May 2009

100 Days

Still hasn't paid my bills.

So in the first 100 days President Obama hasn't:

Put my white-ass family in a FEMA concentration camp.

Taken away my non-existent gun.

Required my wife to get an abortion.

Forced my children to join a fascist organization that will denounce me to the Thought Police.

Raised my non-existent taxes to pay for all the welfare babies that other, less deserving families have had.

Changed the name of the country to "The United States of Some fucking hippie European Country".

Still has not personally come to my apartment, and given me the wealth of my more well-off neighbors.

Obama's Report Card, First 100 Days: F

Seriously, if he doesn't get on the ball and make with the socialist utopia that I have been led to believe will happen by stupid fucking media sources, then I will totally not vote for him ever again. EVER.

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