07 May 2009


Oh yeah, yummy as fuck.

I finally took a picture of this sign outside of a restaurant in the valley. I imagine that the bailout menu items are constructed like this:

The management invites the richest patrons into the kitchen. Those patrons proceed to royally fuck the shit out of the kitchen, I mean they go apeshit. They upend tables, smash plates, destroy appliances, I mean totally fuck the place up. Then, they all take a huge shit in a pot, stir it all up, and make sandwiches using the shit as filling. They proceed to serve the sandwiches to the other patrons and charge them out the ass to eat a huge shit sandwich and watch and complain when the ungrateful bastards don't tip.

At least, if that happened it would mimic what really happened with the bailout. It's a metaphor!!

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