I feel a thing growing inside of me. I don't know what to think of it. It is there.
We had Thanksgiving and it totally ruled. Thankful for: children, wife, life, consciousness, dharma, prajna, the self that is no self and is emptiness, entertainment, ethanol, photons, The Lord God, all types of whole 'notha shit that can't be named here.
Last week we had game night and it was pretty cool with the social interaction and stuff, and today we had all the interaction there and it just kind of cements the idea that Homo sapiens is the ideal social creature and that, fuck it, we are engineered to give a fuck about each other, and that DNA mandates the idea that "No man is an island."
Fuck it, my Old Man died five years ago this month.
6 years ago this month. You and I were already married and knocked up 5 years ago this month.
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