26 June 2011

State of the State of the State of the STATE

Not much new in the news, and goddamn thanks for it. Floods, destruction, ape-behavior, all sorts of terrible things happened this past week. Awful shit. Rapes all over the planet. Slavery. Tuberculosis. Crabs. Debt. Magic financial systems that fuck you over until you're dead. Straight up vanilla schizophrenia. Insomnia. Pollution. Unemployment at levels that would have former administrations shitting themselves.

God has engineered a truly dismal system to ensure that we love Him.

Sometimes, shit is so important that you need to get your ass kicked by a professional to understand just how un-important your shit is. The story starts here.

19 June 2011

I Wish There Were Such Kiosks to Fill My Gullet with Liquor

Today we honor those who were foolish enough to believe that the rhythm method is an effective form of birth control. Also, too, the Palin genome is awful and makes me want to huff gasoline in order to kill the part of my brain that is offended by their stupidity. The best/worst part about that is just a collection of all the terrible people involved in that entire fiasco: agent, editor, publishing house, audience. I'm pretty sure God is sending me the message that I should kill myself when He allows these types of things to happen.

Story for this horrible convoluted comic starts here.

12 June 2011

I Am So Upset There Is a Thing Now That Is Called Gawker

Babbling and incoherent story begins here. Don't worry, when I'm done, I'll post a synopsis of what happened in it if you lost your way or didn't understand these awful scribblings from the get go. I'm sorry, I mean "git go". (Fuck year, logical punctuation.)

In any event (and farther away from the point of this post but something I've been thinking on lately) I'm not one of those idiots who pine for a day that never existed in which the Privacy of the American Individual was held sacrosanct. I also don't keep with the notion that our country's establishers were these inhuman titans of dignity and respect who would never have passed the Patriot Act because They Loved This Country so damn much.

Fuck that. If old G. Wash, could have wiretapped phones and snatched library lists, you can bet your ass that he would have. 

05 June 2011

Neil Gaiman, in The Form of an Anthropomorphized Cat, Dispenses Wisdom

Hello, this is the continuation of the story. I was feeling pretty shitty about the ol' graphic novel but then I saw this pretty awesome You Tube video in which, a cartoon Neil Gaiman explains that it's perfectly okay to create something that no one understands because, hey, you're the artist, leave the interpretation to the critics. So suck on it, and yeah, I take direction from PBS cartoons. What of it?