12 June 2011

I Am So Upset There Is a Thing Now That Is Called Gawker

Babbling and incoherent story begins here. Don't worry, when I'm done, I'll post a synopsis of what happened in it if you lost your way or didn't understand these awful scribblings from the get go. I'm sorry, I mean "git go". (Fuck year, logical punctuation.)

In any event (and farther away from the point of this post but something I've been thinking on lately) I'm not one of those idiots who pine for a day that never existed in which the Privacy of the American Individual was held sacrosanct. I also don't keep with the notion that our country's establishers were these inhuman titans of dignity and respect who would never have passed the Patriot Act because They Loved This Country so damn much.

Fuck that. If old G. Wash, could have wiretapped phones and snatched library lists, you can bet your ass that he would have. 

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