Because these two cunts only deserve a total of 1 day and 82 minutes in jail.

USA Today has, on this glorious Friday morning, attempted to kill me by running these two stories simultaneously in its online front page. The first is an account of Lindsay Lohan's deal to only spend 1 day in jail after her DUI and coke possession. The second is the story of Nicole Richie only spending 82 minutes in a correctional facility for her DUI conviction.
I really like reading stories about shit like this. I remember watching 4 cops beat the shit out of a man who was doing pretty much the same thing as these 2 dumb bitches. For some reason, though, maybe because they are famous or rich or in the public eye or celebrities, I was deprived the pleasure of seeing a group of men taser Nicole Richie on the side of a California freeway. Why? Where is the footage of Lindsay being cracked in the head with batons? Is there no justice in the world? Also, I find the Deputy DA's claim that Lindsay Lohan got "what everyone else would get" total bullshit. I am pretty sure that if I went to California and went on a drunken, cocaine-fueled joy ride that culminated in my arrest I'm pretty sure I wouldn't only get 1 day in jail and 10 days community service.
Fuck these whores and fuck all the people who made them famous. I also realize that I am helping to keep them famous by talking about them so don't bother pointing it out. As Michael Corleone says, "We're both part of the same hypocrisy." Man that movie kicks ass.