22 September 2007

Hey Hey Hey

You know what would be fun? You let me get in that pool.

It is with a heavy heart that I admit that there might not be such a usual stream of rancor in the near future. The reason: I have a fucking English class for which I must keep a journal. Yes. You read that correctly and even I am amazed that I have been transported back in time to high school. However, I am required to write five pages a week for said class and most of my creative rage will be directed at that for the following 11 weeks. If all goes well I may post an edited version at the end of the semester.

On a quick note, the political scandal in Alaska is getting better and I will post the results of the trials here as they become available. The current trial is one of Pete Kott, a state representative who is a bribe taking asshole. Mr. Kott's defense has never said that Mr. Kott didn't take bribes but has said that Mr. Kott is a clueless, drunk ass. No shit. The defense examined Mr. Kott's former Chief of Staff on Friday, a lady who testified that Mr. Kott was often drunk and talked like a hillbilly with lots of stumbling and cursing. I wish I could make this up.

Go buy Mastodon's Blood Mountain. It kicks ass. Metal ass.

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