12 September 2007

The Horror, The Horror

No, it's not an overweight insane Marlon Brando or the reflections of an ivory procurer for the company, it happens to be my reaction to this story in USA Today.

I would usually write more or express my outrage, but I am busy. Well, I should be busy but I am obviously taking a break from my busy schedule which includes:

a) sitting in Starbucks on campus and not exploding at the guy today who said, "and that's Schroedinger's cat," with a smugness you could taste in the back of your throat, or maybe that's the bile.

b) being assaulted by co-eds who wish me to bring over "the baby" and answer trite questions about him.

c) feeling very self-conscious about sitting around doing homework problems from a weighty Calculus book for fear that some dumb-ass may come up and say, "You're good at math, huh?"

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