Total Fucking Bullshit.
So, you know how I posted that it was autumn last week? Well, God decided to shit all over that one. In short, it snowed today. It fucking snowed on 05 October. What the fuck kind of place do I live in? Oh yeah, one that sucks.
I know we all hate the places in which we live, it's human nature, but this is some Grade-A bullshit. I mean, I don't even have the goddamn studded tires on yet.
Also, Gavin probably has cancer, or something. We took him to the doctor today after a night of 103 plus temperatures and vomiting and the doc said, "Ehh, I don't know." He doesn't have the flu, strep, ear infections, all the usual culprits, he just has raging fevers that are remedied by motrin and no appetite. I'm going to call the bullshit card on this one too.
Seriously, never have children. You know how everyone is all freaking out about the economy and shit? Well, have some goddamn kids, and then have them get sick and you can't do shit about it, and you have no fucking money, and they might die. That's some real motherfucking worry, right there. You realize that all the other shit you were thinking about doesn't matter and that you would kill every other being on the planet if it would make your kid feel better. I'm serious.

On the positive side, I made burritos, which totally owned.