23 January 2009

Say Goodbye to Productivity

More Epic Win.

So we just had to get a Wii Fit to go along with our new console. It rules on so many levels that everyone in the country should get one.

And yes, the guy who gave his first wife so much shit about doing yoga now wakes up at 630 every morning and does his yoga routine because the if he doesn't, the Wii will be disappointed in him. Seriously, if you take a day off the software mocks you for being a slacker the next time you turn it on. Also, it reminds you to brush your teeth, which is just weird.

On an unrelated note, since taking office President Obama hasn't cured cancer, ended all human suffering, or paid any of my bills. What the fuck? I thought he would have had this shit taken care of by now. I'm totally voting Republican in the mid-terms. Throw the bums out, I say.

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