31 January 2009

Someone Comes and Kicks Me in the Balls

Only nerds think this is funny.

I was talking to my brother the other day via facebook and I asked him if he had gotten his PhD yet and he said he had stopped going to graduate school because people are jammed up their own asses. I agreed but I didn't think too much about it then. Then the semester started and I started taking a course about research and the reality of what he said hit me full force. Here I was reading these god-awful articles that were published in peer-reviewed journals that were expounding about all these constructs, and all this jargon,and all the things that may be happening but you can't really pin down because it's fucking pointless, and I got pissed about all the goddamn yammering, and self importance and all that. I was starting to feel pretty shitty about everything.

Here's the thing: it's all just bullshit. All of it is total bullshit. I started feeling better once I realized this and decided that if these motherfuckers can make a life, a pretty easy one at that, believing their own shit and feeding that shit to others, then I sure as hell could too. I mean fuck it. It doesn't matter, just make some shit up, call it what you want,define it the way you want, measure it the way you want to, and if a bunch of other assholes agree, presto! So fuck it all, if there's anything I'm good at, it's making shit up. Whatever the fuck anyone does it doesn't matter because in a while it will either all be forgotten or totally discredited, and by that time no one will give a fuck. So let's indulge in some shameless self promotion and bullshittery. Fuck it dude, let's go bowling.

I mean look at me now. I went out and bought some new clothes and now I look like some kind of goddamn L.L. Bean ad. I'll post some pictures on that shit later, because it is pretty ridiculous. I figure if I look enough like the faculty, maybe someone will give me an office, and tenure even. What shit.

Check out Hourly Comics. They rule.

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