Here are a bunch of pictures that I saved for some reason. Some of them I intended to make a post on at some future time, and others I just thought funny, and others still I used for school. Anyway, I thought it was a neat experiment to see the collection of detritus my internet skein had gathered from the webs.
If you don't know who these two guys are, you don't know comedic genius.

Also, Early Cuyler, a two foot tall, illiterate squid from the North Georgia mountains. If you want to freak people out, work Early into a Power-point presentation you are giving. The audience will be stupefied.

Always helpful to know where those active boundaries are.

I don't remember why I saved this, other than I, like all other white male nerds, have an irrational appreciation of MST3K.

Mr. M-E-F. Also, a good candidate for shocking/confusing the audience of a Power-point about male body image perceptions.

Magnolia blossom.

Some handy trigonometric derivatives

The Hammer

Click on both of these and pay attention to the arrows. I think transsexual pornography could be the answer that statesmen need to heal the wounds in the Middle East.

The Rape, by Magritte. I saved this for an art presentation.

I just rebought Starcraft this weekend. This was one of the first computer games I bought almost 10 years ago, and it still has great re-play value. It really makes you think about a combined arms approach to combat, instead of just "build a bunch of cheap units and melee the shit out of your enemy" approach.

This is an image I made in Paint for use in a computer programming class I took.

I laugh my ass off every time I see this.

Apathy by an artist who's name I didn't save. It's pretty good.

Clearly, sexism is a thing of the past, so we don't need to discuss it.

A nice shout out to the Dune universe

This was an ad from somewhere and I thought it was so great, especially the line, "Whenever or wherever." because you can really get away with fucking a fleshlight on the bus.

American Apparel can go get fucked.
These are just a few of the images I have, but I like how disturbing some of them are, or can be depending upon the context of the situation. The sitemeter data was especially revealing because those aren't the only two hits looking for tranny sex. I get hits from all over looking for a defunct video link I posted a long time ago that was a parody of tranny prison sex. I'm serious. You think people are just depraved in the U.S. but the truth is, people the world over have some strange sexual proclivities/curiosities. Seriously, when you think about it, it is almost a surety that somewhere on the globe, right now, some guy is blowing his load in a farm animal, or some woman is having hot wax dribbled on her genitalia, while some guy in a mask slaps her in the face and she's loving every minute of it.
Also, it was kind of weird to see what I had that didn't make the cut. For example, I have a collection of images mocking Sarah Palin and a bunch of underwater nude photos of women.