01 April 2011

I've Been Thinkin' Of Drinkin' DRANO

So I had this screed about this tool Tea Bagger douche who introduced some shitty Wisconsin-esque legislation to fuck over government workers but I deleted it. Anyway, go look at the fuck's bio because he's just like the rest of the wanna be hard asses who want to strip collective bargaining rights from workers and all that fiscal conservative horseshit. Pay special attention to his careers because it's the funniest that he was one of those workers that he now wants to bone with the state's dick. And let me tell you, Alaska's dick is proportional to the size of the state, so, you know, you're getting a pretty big dicking with that one.

Fuck all that, here's some comics I made.

While being crudely drawn, I can say that later episodes are actually improving. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go apply for a night time janitor job, because, apparently, that's the only kind of employment I can secure. So much for that shiny diploma.

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