10 May 2011

Osama bin Laden and the Humanization of The Other

Here are some images of Osama bin Laden with funny captions added. I like to think about him in a real way, not with a Boogieman aura, but as a live human being. Kind of like the way Kurtz in Apocalypse Now reflects on the humanity of the soldiers who hacked off the inoculated arms of the village children. I mean, he did all the things we do: shit, pissed, fucked, jizzed, coughed, sneezed, laughed at some unexpected irony, loved his wives, likely saw beauty in a certain sun cresting a mountain range, savored the defeat of his enemies, and experienced the terror of his own mortality late nights when he couldn't sleep. 

He was real and I think we do a disservice to all of us when we demonize him as "evil" or some childish notion like that.

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