Celebrating Independence in the true spirit of the Founding Fathers: getting wrecked, eating barbecue, and playing badminton.
Pre-game cocktails. This recipe is pomegranate vodka, pomegranate mixer, and orange liqueur. It comes off as a little too pomegranate-y, so I need to play with the mix a little. I am thinking regular vodka would take the fruity edge off.

Here is Kiernan with an ear of corn. He is pretty stoked.

Here is a picture of Gavin. He was hanging out with the chef for the barbecue, picking up some tips on how to cook ribeye steaks. Mmmm, steak.
Who says I'm not a patriot? Why look at this motherfucking Old Glory shortcake I made. I should be the next president I'm so goddamn 'merican.

Unfortunately I have no pictures from the badminton showdown between Felicia and myself because no one took any of us out there. It was fucking brutal. It was best two out of three, to 21, after several drinks, mandatory drink guzzling breaks at the halfway mark, between what turns out to be two super-competitive people. Brutal. I ended up winning but it went pretty much down to the wire. I have a feeling that this has more to do with my higher BMI being able to process and store more alcohol than Felicia. Whatever, another notch in the W column, fuck it.
I would say something else here about patriotism, civic responsibility, how this country is great, and how being American is goddamn near orgasmic compared to being say, Zimbabwean, but I won't. I'm not going to bore you motherfuckers with all that shit because a: if you took the time to read it and didn't quit after the first sentence then you probably already agree with what I have to say and b: surprisingly I'm not THAT full of myself. I mean hey, we all know America is fucked up and inequitable and people are rendered into pulp everyday by the American Dream and no one even gives a fuck. In spite of all that depressing shit mentioned in the last sentence we don't go ape shit and kill each other en masse because we are Americans and goddammit, we have governmental choices and elections and all that other shit that a bunch of fucked up, pissed off, aristocratic, white guys dreamed up and implemented a long time ago.
Wait, it seems I am that full of myself.