27 September 2008

Wait, What Week Is It?

The Library.

Good news, everyone! We've reached the point in the semester when people realize they suck and start dropping classes or just not attending! Suck it, you bitches! Go back to your dead end jobs and rationalize that you're just "not ready to go to school" yet. You suck! Losers! I can't stand the nerds, but at least those motherfuckers have the balls to stick out an education. Now, what does that say about you assholes?

I'm sure the reason that people decided to go away is due to most of the classes having had their first exam. This time of the semester always gets me pumped. I don't know if they do this everywhere, but here the professors post your grades online and you get to see how you did with respect to the class mean. I like seeing how I did. I like crushing the class average. I like knowing that I destroyed the test and that other people failed. I actually enjoy the weeding out process. I like thinning the herd and removing weakness. I think I have problems.

Anyway, getting at what I'm getting at is something that I think of often but of which I rarely speak: the Marine Corps. What a terrible force, a soul-crushing endeavor that I endured, that I actually asked for that altered me on a fundamental level during my formative young-adulthood/ adolescence. I remember the recruiter saying that the Marines don't brainwash anyone. Bull-motherfucking-shit. They take people made passive by our society's standard of living and strip all that shit away and get to the core aggression that defines the human animal, the shit we all know but don't say, the ability to take an object and brutally wreak havoc on another human being's body because someone told you to or simply because everyone else is doing it.

I won't say that the Marine Corps made me hate weakness. That aspect of personality is in everyone. I will say that they brought it up to a conscious level, honed it, sharpened it, showed it to me, made me love it. I think often about how they did it. They are very efficient, I'll give them that. Anyway, I think it's funny that this part of me is nurtured by seeing the herd of college students being actively culled by the predators of exams and grades. It makes me feel good about myself. If I actually take time to think about this, it makes me a little afraid of myself and the type of person I really am. Sometimes, I find it very hard to keep it all under control.

At any rate, I do keep a lid on all that shit. Part of that is the crazy drinking/exercise regimen I self-inflict. Check out this work out program:

Monday: Biceps and triceps, grab heavy weight, curl arms, extend arms. Repeat until exhaustion.

Wednesday: Chest, grab heavy weight, press. Follow chest presses with at least 100 push-ups. After 100, continue push-ups and repeat until exhaustion.

Friday: Back, find a bar, pull body weight up. Repeat at least 100 times. After 100, continue pull ups and repeat until exhaustion.

Tips: Rest 1 minute between sets. Include at least 125 sit ups on each workout day.

Now check out this drinking program:

Friday: Drink bourbon. Repeat until stupor.

Saturday: Drink bourbon. Repeat until stupor.

Sunday: Drink beer. Repeat for at least six beers, but don't go apeshit. You have to get up and punish your body on Monday.

You all know who rocks? Yael Naim, that's who. Seriously, check her out. Peace, bitches!

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