02 September 2008

Week 1

This past week was the first week of the fall semester around here. Let me sum up the big shit for you.

1. Kiernan already has a pink-eye type ailment.

2. Gavin likes school. He goes with me to the daycare/preschool on campus. He thinks it's pretty great.

3. Felicia got sick, naturally.

4. The dog is alive and gimping around the new apartment.

5. Oh yeah, didn't I tell you that we moved to Anchorage to be extremely poor? We did.

6. Calculus is already really fucking hard, packed with nerds, and jammed into a tiny room.

7. Did I mention that I can't stand nerds? This statement may seem ridiculous coming from someone as nerdy as myself, but if you saw the kinds of nerds I was talking about then you would understand the urge to kick their asses that I feel when I am surrounded by these losers. God, they suck, their computers suck, their fucking online games suck, their terrible hygiene/style/facial hair/unkemptedness sucks. In short, I fucking hate them. Especially when they spout off some stupid shit about voting against pro-social measures because those measures might, "hurt industry".

8. We went to the state fair and got drunk and walked around, then got more drunk, watched the Gin Blossoms play, then got unbelievably drunk. Basically what I learned was: Fair+Booze>Fair-Booze. Rearranging that equation you get: Fair+2Booze>Fair, which I think was proved on Sunday night.

9. I usually don't link to other blogs but my brother wrote a really good piece over at First Draft. Just go check it out.

10. Yeah, it's all over the news but it bears repeating. The AK governor was chosen for McCain's VP. I don't repeat this as a point of pride. I am actually really pissed because it basically destroys Obama's chances at winning the state because all the fucking "Independents" (read: Conservatives) who live in AK are going to vote for the "local girl". Hell, she must be good, right? I mean we're from roughly the same geographic location!

I am mostly bitter because she cut legistator approved, state funds for an in state, recycling facility that would have brought job opportunities to her home fucking city during a time that the state was/is receiving record income from oil revenues. So, if in the future you hear some shit about her being pro-business or creating jobs, you can call the bullshit police on that one. Also, her husband is a member of the United Steelworkers Union which is total bullshit because organized labor and collective bargaining are two concepts that aren't really traditional laissez-faire, free-market capitalism, GOP principles.

11. Fuck all this.

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