14 July 2007

Fucking Cell Phones

Today was the second time I went to the movies in the past year. It's packed and we're all watching and it's going okay until the climax of the movie and you guessed it. Motherfucker and his goddamn cell. It's not just a regular ring either it's a fucking annoying ring tone. On top of that the shithead lets the phone ring and can't even be bothered to silence the motherfucker.

Let's get this straight. We're watching a matinee showing of Harry fucking Potter in Eagle River, Alaska. I'm pretty sure there were no Fortune 500 CEOs in the audience who desperately needed to be reached by their CFOs because the IRS was coming in and they needed to know what has to be shredded. Not to mention that even God isn't so busy that he can't turn his goddamn iPhone off for 2 fucking hours for a fucking matinee.

These fuckheads are the same kind of people who can't leave their laptop at home when they go on vacation and then end up with heart disease by 50 because they can't disconnect for even a little bit. You know what I say? I say fuck them because it's evolution at work.

Turn it off, Ratfucker.

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