10 July 2007

The Truth

I know that I linked The Economist magazine to my blog but, truth be told, I had never actually visited the website. It usually sufficed for me to pick up and peruse the magazine whenever we went to the bookstore, which is pretty often. Well, I remedied that and while I was at the site I found this. This article is a great piece of work. It dispels all the stupid shit you hear about recycling from, "it is actually more damaging to the environment than using a landfill" to "it is economically unfeasible to require companies to recycle" both of which are bullshit lies propagated by pro-business conservatives.

I, for one, am tired of hearing Business in America scream about how, "You can't require us produce a product that is environmentally less destructive. It would destroy our profits and make us less competitive." Bullshit again, I say. It seems funny to me that countries who have much more stringent environmental regulations than the U.S. still manage to be one of the world's best economies.

The real truth is that you should recycle, there is only one planet and that in order to survive you must protect that planet. So, get out there and recycle!

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