18 July 2007

Creationist Bullshit

Finally, there is some evidence that a religious nut is a religious nut is a religious nut, if I may borrow a construction from Gertrude Stein.

A Turkish author Mr. Adnan Oktar, writing under the pseudonym Harun Yahya, has cooked up some pseudo-science with an Ottoman flavor. Mr. Oktar has also done academics around the world a favor and sent them a copy of his work. In it Mr. Oktar argues against Darwin's theory of evolution and decries it as a "theory in crisis" for the simple reason that the Koran doesn't independently verify Darwin's findings.

The crux of Mr. Oktar's argument is that, by his observation, the fossil record of the past resembles so closely the animals and plants living today that evolution doesn't hold up to observed phenomena. Apparently, Mr. Oktar never reached the part in the fossil record that contained these guys.

The best part of the article is a toss-up between the NY Times reporter's deadpan, "In fact, there is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution as an explanation for the complexity and diversity of life on earth." and the evolutionary biologist's comment that the book is, "a load of crap."

So, if we take what we learn from the article make a few assumptions and apply some syllogism we get:

If Christian dogma = Creationism and Islamic dogma = Creationism then
Christian dogma = Islamic dogma

Ha Ha! Try this out on your fundamentalist friends, but only if you have lots of patience and nothing better to do. It has to be almost as good as trying to convince a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew that they essentially all worship the same god.

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