29 September 2007

Alaska Verdicts 1

If you are one of those people who was never curious enough to peep your own anus in the mirror, this is what you missed.

Former Representative Pete Kott is going to the clink. The Anchorage Daily News has the full story here. The jury found Mr. Kott guilty on three charges: bribery, extortion and conspiracy. I guess they didn't really care for his defense of, "Man, I was fucking wasted all the time. I had no fucking clue who was giving me what." I thought that, if nothing else, that argument took balls. I mean, he never said he was innocent just that he was a lush. I will admit that the motherfucker has a pair on him.

Sentencing is set for Dec. 7 and I'll be sure to keep updating on these sons of bitches. Next up: Vic Kohring and his trial date of Oct. 22.

23 September 2007

Why, Lord?

Why in the fuck were there no pictures posted with the last post? Why, goddammit, why?

Yeah he's dead but man, was this motherfucker an asshole or what?

Just so you know, fags, God hates you. At least that's according to the assholes who made this sign.

Look it's what chicken nuggets are made of! Yum, like a motherfucker!

Take an ounce of this and don't call me in the morning. I'm serious, don't fucking call me, asshole.

22 September 2007

Hey Hey Hey

You know what would be fun? You let me get in that pool.

It is with a heavy heart that I admit that there might not be such a usual stream of rancor in the near future. The reason: I have a fucking English class for which I must keep a journal. Yes. You read that correctly and even I am amazed that I have been transported back in time to high school. However, I am required to write five pages a week for said class and most of my creative rage will be directed at that for the following 11 weeks. If all goes well I may post an edited version at the end of the semester.

On a quick note, the political scandal in Alaska is getting better and I will post the results of the trials here as they become available. The current trial is one of Pete Kott, a state representative who is a bribe taking asshole. Mr. Kott's defense has never said that Mr. Kott didn't take bribes but has said that Mr. Kott is a clueless, drunk ass. No shit. The defense examined Mr. Kott's former Chief of Staff on Friday, a lady who testified that Mr. Kott was often drunk and talked like a hillbilly with lots of stumbling and cursing. I wish I could make this up.

Go buy Mastodon's Blood Mountain. It kicks ass. Metal ass.

12 September 2007

The Horror, The Horror

No, it's not an overweight insane Marlon Brando or the reflections of an ivory procurer for the company, it happens to be my reaction to this story in USA Today.

I would usually write more or express my outrage, but I am busy. Well, I should be busy but I am obviously taking a break from my busy schedule which includes:

a) sitting in Starbucks on campus and not exploding at the guy today who said, "and that's Schroedinger's cat," with a smugness you could taste in the back of your throat, or maybe that's the bile.

b) being assaulted by co-eds who wish me to bring over "the baby" and answer trite questions about him.

c) feeling very self-conscious about sitting around doing homework problems from a weighty Calculus book for fear that some dumb-ass may come up and say, "You're good at math, huh?"

01 September 2007

Cue the Queen Music

Fuckin' Homo.

This kind of shit makes my weekend. Yet another hypocritical, right-wing motherfucker down. I really do love seeing this. It's payback for the time when assholes like ex-Senator Craig and his cronies tried to impeach a motherfucker for getting his knob slobbed. Unlike our gay friend above at least President Clinton had the decency to:
a) get head from a chick, albeit a fat one.
b) do it in the privacy of his office, not the ultra sexy locale of a sexy airport bathroom.

Look, I have no problem with him giving or receiving gay sex. Also, if a motherfucker needs the danger of a public location to bust a nut, I am not about to judge him. The bitch of it is this shit-head, while enjoying the pleasures of having a man get him off, advocated no rights for other gay dudes who just want to live in harmony with each other. Fuck him. I am glad that he's getting everything that is coming to him, which by my guess is a huge throbbing cock, thrusting in and out of his gaping ass. Ha.