11 May 2008

Mother's Day

Even on Mother's Day, ya'll got to work.

An overview of the table Felicia and I sat down to for the appetizers of the family's Mother's day celebration.

A close up of the platter that we made: Italian dry salami (thank you Jacqueline), Dubliner cheese, and Triscuits.

Hey, I want to talk to you today about something that is dear to my heart. I'm not talking about mothers, per se, but I am talking about something that they all have: Mom ass. I know that all the guys out there have seen this. Mom ass is the absolutely beautiful, pear-shaped ass that women get after birthing children. I'm not talking about all those super fat bitches you see, they have their own merits. I'm talking about the normal women that have normal kids and then go about their normal lives, with one difference: the gorgeous posterior that evolution has given them for their work of bearing children. I can't explain it, but all ya'll know you've seen it. In the grocery store, at the mall, the bank, substance abuse court, wherever, you know that as a male Homo sapiens you have recognized, and desired, the mom ass.

Mom ass rules. It let's you know that she is in it for the long haul and will probably rear your seed because, hell, she's done it before for some other asshole, she'll probably do it again too. That and it's totally fucking hot.

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