14 May 2008

Third Try Here

Well, I did have two tremendously stupid bumper stickers to post for you here, but I didn't take a picture of the one (Tolerance is for people who lack conviction) and I couldn't find a web picture large enough for the other (Friends don't let friends eat farmed fish! Support Alaska's wild fishermen), but I'll have more to say on those later.

In the meantime, look at this stupid shit that I found while googling the phrase: stupid bumper stickers.

I don't even know where to begin with this so I'll go back to the original impetus for this post, the "tolerance" bumper sticker. I was at the gym tonight and as I was leaving I saw this sticker, which I had seen before, and I got sick to my stomach. I mean, I was just in the same enclosed area with someone who, by virtue of this sticker, is saying, "All non-white, non-protestant, non-English speakers disrobe and wait in this line for the cham...I mean showers." Fuck. I'm not even asking for acceptance here but this is the equivalent of having a sticker that says, "Wannsee Was Right!"

It always angries up the blood to see this shit. It's kind of like every person I've ever met who was a self described anarchist. You know the type: skinny, pale, white, and when pressed on the issue, has no real justification for thinking the way they do and no real argument as to why you shouldn't beat their ass and take their jacket, shoes, wallet, car, bitch, whatever. I mean, an anarchist would understand that right? The kind of motherfucker who would be totally fucked in an anarchic situation because they're the first to be a) killed and robbed, or b) claimed by the largest male and made into prostitutes and then later killed and robbed.

The point is, stupid people who festoon their person, car, residence, with this kind of dog shit rely on the tolerance of others that don't haul off and torch their car, like me, and the laws of the government they claim to hate to protect themselves from others who would kill them, like me. Fucking idiots, all.

The second sticker "Farmed fish" is also equally stupid. I'm no ecologist, I don't know fuck all about fishing, and to be honest, I don't care. Supposing that this same principle of no farming was drafted onto other areas of production, it would be reasonable to assume that you could find stickers admonishing people to not eat farmed grain and to support local gatherers, or not consume farmed antibiotics and support local biochemists. It's fucking dumb. It's just another logical dead end that appeals to the jackasses up here whose whole life is fishing, have never heard of the commons, and oppose government limits to catches until the fisheries collapse and then complain that "the guvment" didn't do anything to protect us taxpayers. They took'r jobs!!!

As for the John Kerry thing, like I said, it still makes no sense.

In other news tonight, I officially became a Barack Obama supporter today after John Edwards endorsed the Senator from Illinois. The quick story on that is that I was a Hillary supporter after Edwards (my original choice) left the race before the primaries here, because I liked her health care plan better and, if elected, would probably piss off so many motherfucking conservatives that the death rate due to stroke and cardiac arrest would skyrocket in that demographic. Yeah, it is a mean spirited reason to support a candidate but I still like Hillary Clinton because she is driven by power. You have to fucking respect that. She basically ran on the platform that, "I'll do and say anything, just immortalize me by making me the first woman President in U.S. history."

Also, tonight was the first time I heard Sen. Obama speak. I had deliberately avoided hearing both candidates speak because I wanted any decision I made about them to be the rationed analysis of what their policies would be if elected and not, "Well, hell yeah! You heard him/her! His/Her impassioned rhetoric has swayed my dubious allegiance! Whoo!" I didn't want to fall into the trap of having emotions ruling what should be a rational decision about the person who is going to be ultimately responsible for the government of me and my family for at least the next four years. Anyway, after I heard Sen. Obama speak about the poor (me) and how his mother made sacrifices for a better life for him and how John Edward's family made sacrifices for him, my thoughts went something like this:

"Well, fuck yeah! You know what? Fuck those rich-ass people, gettin' a motherfuckin' tax break! Taking shit away from my kids? Hell no! Let's go drink some whiskey and then put a few bricks through windows and set some cars on fire and shit!"

So, there you have it.

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