06 May 2008

Stupid Shit

No, you are reading that correctly. I like these little keyhole views of the sea of stupidity that is the Mat-Su Valley. This one instance was so retarded I had to turn around to get a picture of it because if I just told you that some fucking idiot owned a barber shop and painted a sign with huge foot tall letters to hang outside his shop but instead of painting "barber", the fuckhead painted "baber" and then put the fucker up. I mean, come on, you'd think I was fucking with you. Alas, I am not. Better yet, I'm not even sure as to why it's still up. It's been there a week and either no one has told the guy, or someone has told the guy and he hasn't fixed it yet. Get with it, this sign is the only way I know about this place and the owners really think I'm going to go in and let these barely literate assholes wield sharp objects near my face and neck? Not a fucking chance, and especially not for $12.

This next entry is great as well. This truck has been parked where I have to see it every time I drive from Wasilla out to where I live. Since I was already taking pictures of stupid things I decided to swing by and get a picture. Now, stupidly large trucks are not foreign to me, but I really thought that it was the kind of thing that you would really only find in the south. In fact, the reason I first noticed this truck is because of the striking resemblance to one third of the vehicle of an inbred, two-foot tall, talking squid-man who lives in the north Georgia mountains. Check this shit out.

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